Results for 'Thaline Ribeiro Fontenele'

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  1.  18
    LINS, Maria Judith Sucupira da Costa. Educação Moral na Perspectiva de Alasdair MacIntyre. [REVIEW]Laecio Almeida Gomes & Thaline Ribeiro Fontenele - 2010 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 1 (1):77-81.
    Resenha do livro de Maria Judith Sucupira da Costa Lins "Educao Moral na Perspectiva de Alasdair MacIntyre".
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  2. LINS, Maria Judith Sucupira da Costa. Educação Moral na Perspectiva de Alasdair MacIntyre.Laecio Almeida Gomes & Thaline Luize Ribeiro Fontenele - 2010 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 1 (1):77-81.
    Resenha do livro de Maria Judith Sucupira da Costa Lins "Educação Moral na Perspectiva de Alasdair MacIntyre".
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    O risco de não ir a Jerusalém. Lendo o Salmo 127 no contexto dos Salmos 120-134.Osvaldo Luiz Ribeiro - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (49):166-193.
    O tema do artigo é a análise retórica do Salmo 127 no contexto dos “Salmos das Subidas”. O objetivo consiste em analisar a relação retórica possível entre o sentido da composição e o desempenho processional dos peregrinos de Jerusalém. Especificamente, trata-se de perguntar pela relação entre o conteúdo do salmo e a peregrinação para Jerusalém, a que sua leitura estaria por hipótese destinada. A metodologia consiste a) em tradução do salmo, b) análise de sua posição relativa na estrutura quiástica da (...)
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  4. Fontenelle und die Aufklärung. Fontenelle - 1969 - München,: W. Fink. Edited by Werner Krauss.
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    Darcy Ribeiro: Diálogos Inéditos.Darcy Ribeiro - 2004 - Narvaja Editor. Edited by Héctor Magnani.
  6. The achievement of Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle. Fontenelle - 1970 - New York,: Johnson Reprint.
    A plurality of worlds.--The history of oracles and the cheats of the pagan priests.--Discourse concerning the ancients and the moderns.--Selection from Oeuvres.
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  7. Wittgenstein’s Ignorance of Argumentation Theory and Toulmin’s Rehabilitation of Wittgenstein.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (2):1-5.
    The author- following his own research on the subject- argues that Wittgenstein ignores argumentation theory and in general, the problems of rhetoric and argumentation. From this point of view, he frames Stephen Toulmin’s reading of Wittgenstein, arguing that the British philosopher- who was a student of the Austrian- advocates precisely the same thesis. He explains that this happens in a very peculiar (rhetorical) context on Toulmin’s part; a context in which, in essence, Wittgenstein’s philosophy is being rehabilitated.
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  8. Is Pyrrhonism Psychologically Possible?Brian Ribeiro - 2002 - Ancient Philosophy 22 (2):319-331.
    In this paper I aim to address--and also to better understand--what is perhaps the most intuitive objection to Pyrrhonian skepticism, namely, that to completely suspend one's judgment is psychologically impossible. I propose to come to an understanding of Sextus's relation to this objection by trying to more clearly understand Sextus's claims about the "Skeptic". I hope to show that it is at least possible for us to understand Sextus and his claims about the "Skeptic" without being driven to either (1) (...)
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    Alvaro Ribeiro e a filosofia portuguesa: ciclo de palestras promovido pela Fundação Lusíada Ateneu Comercial do Porto em 14 e 15 de maio de 1993 : bibliografia geral de Alvaro Ribeiro.Alvaro Ribeiro & Joaquim Domingues - 1995
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  10. Do mirror neurons support a simulation theory of mind-reading?Anna Christina Ribeiro - 2003
    Both macaque monkeys and humans have been shown to have what are called ‘mirror neurons’, a class of neurons that respond to goal-related motor-actions, both when these actions are performed by the subject and when they are performed by another individual observed by the subject. Gallese and Goldman (1998) contend that mirror neurons may be seen as ‘a part of, or a precursor to, a more general mind- reading ability’, and that of the two competing theories of mind-reading, mirror neurons (...)
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  11. Karl Popper: A epistemologia como terra de ninguém ou da tarefa de re-construçao da ciência.H. Jales Ribeiro - 1987 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 43 (1-2):71-108.
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    Reflexões sôbre a crise do direito.Carlos José de Assis Ribeiro - 1951 - [Rio de Janeiro]: Libraria Freitas Bastos.
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  13. Poetry.Anna Christina Ribeiro - 2009 - In Stephen Davies, Kathleen J. Higgins, Robert Hopkins, Robert Stecker & David Cooper, Blackwell Companion to Aesthetics. Oxford: Blackwell. pp. 101-104.
    One of the most ancient art forms, poetry, like other art forms, finds its roots embedded in activities that are not necessarily associated with art today, most notably religious rituals. Still, even while poetry is now commonly enjoyed for its own sake, many poems continue to be made for specific life events: weddings, funerals, presidential swearing-in ceremonies, anniversaries, and so on. Their connection to such events may call into question the art status of some poems; indeed, definitions of poetry (as (...)
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  14. Louis Loeb: Stability and Justification in Hume's Treatise.B. Ribeiro - 2004 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (2):348-351.
  15. Politics: a Portuguese statesman.Ribeiro Lopes & Arthur[From Old Catalog] - 1938 - London,: Methuen & co..
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  16. Nietzsche's Kind of Consciousness.Max Minden Ribeiro - forthcoming - Journal of Nietzsche Studies.
    This article critically examines two claims Mattia Riccardi ascribes to Nietzsche in his 2021 book Nietzsche’s Philosophical Psychology. The first is that Nietzsche’s main notion of consciousness should be interpreted as Rconsciousness. Rconsciousness is an awareness of a mental state or process that is achieved when that state is linguistically interpreted by another state. This article finds that Riccardi’s account commits to two instances of states becoming conscious and to two kinds of consciousness. The second claim is that Nietzsche advances (...)
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    As críticas à prioridade do justo sobre o bem na ética discursiva de Jürgen Habermas.Gilcelene de Brito Ribeiro - 2011 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 18:113-136.
    The purpose of this article is to present the critical approaches made by Alasdair MacIntyre and Charles Taylor to the priority of the right over the good on Habermas’ dicourse ethics, criticisms that depart from the consideration that the moral agent, historical and socially conditioned, acts for reasons other than (only) the impartial consideration of all individuals. Claiming that the priority of the right over the good would disconnect individuals of their motivations, abstracting them from their cultural background and contingencies (...)
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  18. Imagining from the inside.Anna Christina Ribeiro - unknown
    The cinematic technique of point-of-view shots is meant to give spectators a film character’s point-ofview. In ‘Imagining from the Inside’, Murray Smith claims that point-of-view shots allow viewers to ‘imagine seeing as the character does’ and this imagining in turn promotes imagining the character ‘from the inside’, thereby fostering empathy with the character. I argue, against Smith, that the cinematic technique of point-of-view shots does not prompt viewers to ‘imagine seeing as the character does’ for two reasons: first, such shots (...)
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    La alteridad como lógica del deseo en “El tiempo lógico y el aserto de certidumbre anticipada. un nuevo sofisma” de Lacan, y sus consecuencias hermenéuticas.José Luis Serrano Ribeiro - 2012 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 55:105-120.
    Este trabajo utiliza el rastro analítico y hermenéutico producido por la resolución del “sofisma de los tres prisioneros”, que Lacan incluyó en su artículo de 1945 “El tiempo lógico y el aserto de certidumbre anticipada. Un nuevo sofisma” . Lo que con ello nos propusimos, fue mostrar la importancia de la alteridad como un elemento crucial para reflexionar sobre el deseo. La relevancia del “otro” aparece, así, no sólo como un complemento esencial para la constitución del sujeto, sino también como (...)
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  20. Skeptical Theism, Moral Skepticism, and Divine Commands.Brian Ribeiro & Scott Aikin - 2013 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 3 (2):77-96.
    Over the last twenty-five years skeptical theism has become one of the leading contemporary responses to the atheological argument from evil. However, more recently, some critics of skeptical theism have argued that the skeptical theists are in fact unwittingly committed to a malignant form of moral skepticism. Several skeptical theists have responded to this critique by appealing to divine commands as a bulwark against the alleged threat of moral skepticism. In this paper we argue that the skeptical theists’ appeal to (...)
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  21. Skepticism from the renaissance to the enlightenment. A conference in memory of Richard Popkin (1923-2005).Flavio Fontenelle Loque - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (2):337-341.
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    Eduardo Lourenço: uma geopolítica do pensamento.Margarida Calafate Ribeiro - 2023 - Porto: Edições Afrontamento. Edited by Roberto Vecchi.
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  23. La tramoya del lenguaje, o la palabra interior.José Luis Serrano Ribeiro - 2010 - Endoxa 26:325-355.
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    Deleuze and philosphy as experimentation.Christian Fernando Ribeiro Guimarães Vinci - 2024 - Griot 24 (1):96-105.
    Returning to the famous prologue to the book Difference and Repetition, in which Gilles Deleuze points out that the time is approaching when it would not be possible to write a philosophy book as before, we will try to think about the deleuzian evocation of the need to adopt a new tone and new rules for the exercise philosophical. We believe that resuming this philosopher's appeal would launch us into the heart of deleuzian and deleuze-guattarian conception of philosophy as experimentation. (...)
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    A imprensa entre Antígona e Maquiavel: a ética jornalística na vida real das redações.Renato Janine Ribeiro (ed.) - 2015 - São Paulo, SP: Editora Referência.
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    Crise e emancipação no horizonte das espiritualidades não religiosas.Flávio Augusto Senra Ribeiro - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (35):654-657.
    Editorial: Crisis and emancipation on the horizon of non-religious spiritualities. Horizonte, v. 12, n. 35, Jul./Sept. 2014.
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  27. Inquérito Sobre a Filosofia Portuguesa. Depoimentos de Alvaro Ribeiro [Et Al. Apresentação de Pinharanda Gomes].Álvaro Ribeiro & Jesué Pinharanda Gomes - 1972 - Editora Pax.
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    Portuguese’s Way of Think. Oliveira Martins’s ideas about Man and Slavery.Isabel Mariano Ribeiro - 2008 - Cultura:135-173.
    Este texto situa-se no domínio da História das Ideias e aborda como temática principal o pensamento de Oliveira Martins sobre o Homem negro e a escravatura. As fontes primárias privilegiadas foram os documentos escritos do pensador, escolhidos pela sua representatividade quanto ao ideário em causa, a par de historiografia sobre a temática visada, que é muito vasta em termos biográficos e parcelares. Para o estudo das ideias do autor utilizámos metodologias e técnicas de análise interdisciplinares. A contextualização histórica, como ponto (...)
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    Rorty vs. Popper, or “conversation” vs. “argumentation”.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 2018 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 27 (54):257-276.
    Neste artigo, as filosofias de Rorty e de Popper são comparadas na perspetiva das suas implicações sociais, culturais e políticas. O autor foca‑se em dois conceitos nucleares: conversação e argumentação. Ele argumenta que o contexto histórico e filosófico dessas filosofias é basicamente o mesmo: a problemática das consequências do holismo, no que diz respeito à teoria da significação, para o estatuto da própria filosofia – uma problemática como aquela que Quine, Kuhn, e Popper estabeleceram desde os anos sessenta do século (...)
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    Comentário a “Mind, beliefs and internet social media: a Peircean perspective”.Daniel Melo Ribeiro - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e02400148.
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    A Mobilising Concept? Unpacking Academic Representations of Responsible Research and Innovation.Barbara E. Ribeiro, Robert D. J. Smith & Kate Millar - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):81-103.
    This paper makes a plea for more reflexive attempts to develop and anchor the emerging concept of responsible research and innovation. RRI has recently emerged as a buzzword in science policy, becoming a focus of concerted experimentation in many academic circles. Its performative capacity means that it is able to mobilise resources and spaces despite no common understanding of what it is or should be ‘made of’. In order to support reflection and practice amongst those who are interested in and (...)
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    Jean Salem (org.), L’atomisme aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 1999.Cláudia Ribeiro - 2012 - Kairos 5:183-188.
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    Apologia e filosofia.Álvaro Ribeiro - 1953 - Lisboa,: Guimarães.
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    A marca do Leviatã: linguagem e poder em Hobbes.Renato Janine Ribeiro - 1978 - São Paulo: Editora Ática.
    Este volume apresenta uma leitura arrojada das ideias de um dos mais importantes filósofos do século XVII. Ribeiro discorre, principalmente, sobre dois desdobramentos fundamentais do pensamento hobbesiano. O primeiro é o pacto entre os homens para a formação do Estado, por meio do qual transferem todos os direitos ao soberano. Segundo, uma consequência direta dessa concentração de poder: o controle do conhecimento pela autoridade política.
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  35. Alvaro Ribeiro e a filosofia portuguesa: ciclo de palestras promovido pela Fundação Lusíada Ateneu Comercial do Porto em 14 e 15 de maio de 1993: bibliografia geral de Alvaro Ribeiro.Alvaro Ribeiro & Joaquim Domingues (eds.) - 1995 - Lisboa: A Fundação.
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    A Fairly Short Response to a Really Short Refutation.Brian Ribeiro - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Research 36:35-41.
    Brian Ribeiro argues that the pragmatic theory of truth massively misrepresents the actual use of the terms “true” and “truth.” Truths, he observes, can be distinguished from “illusions.” The latter misrepresent reality and the former do not. Psychologists, as they report on the way mentally healthy people commonly overestimate themselves, draw just this distinction. They tell us of many beliefs that are “adaptive” but illusory. Pragmatists cannot draw this distinction because their theory explains truth as adaptiveness. Therefore no sensible (...)
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    On the Design Complexity of Cyberphysical Production Systems.Luis Ribeiro & Martin Hochwallner - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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  38. Alberto Salles: trajetória intelectual e pensamento político.João Ribeiro Júnior - 1983 - São Paulo: Editora Convívio.
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  39. Cunha Seixas e a Filosofia Portuguesa.Álvaro Ribeiro - 1959 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 15 (4):435-435.
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  40. Deus e o maravilhoso universo.Djalma Prates Ribeiro - 1974 - [Belo Horizonte,:
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    Emotional Induction Through Music: Measuring Cardiac and Electrodermal Responses of Emotional States and Their Persistence.Fabiana Silva Ribeiro, Flávia Heloísa Santos, Pedro Barbas Albuquerque & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  42. The complementarity of science and metaphysics.Cláudia Ribeiro - 2015 - Philosophica 90 (1).
    A renewed interest in the old problem of the relationship between science and metaphysics has been fuelled by the ongoing debate between naturalistic metaphysicians and non-naturalistic metaphysicians. However, I maintain that this debate is missing the mark because it is focused on the problem of the credibility of a metaphysics that is not ‘scientific’, instead of focusing on the presence of metaphysics in science. In order to show that metaphysics pervades all stages of scientific inquiry, and after analysing the distinction (...)
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  43. A redescrição rortyana da pequena crueldade.Edinalva Melo Fontenele - 2012 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 3 (5):50-63.
    Considerando que muitos livros desenvolvem nossa capacidade de identificação imaginativa e de disposição para evitar a crueldade, aproveitamos as sugestões de Richard Rorty e utilizamos o romance Lolita, de Vladimir Nabokov, como cenário para a redescrição da crueldade. Cabendo prontamente nos critérios liberais rortyanos de combate à crueldade, esse romance nos possibilita perceber os efeitos que as nossas próprias idiossincrasias privadas podem ter sobre a vida de outras pessoas. Dono de metáforas fortes, vívidas, Lolita nos permite abordar o que chamamos (...)
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  44. Moralistes du XVIIIe siècle. Fontenelle, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux, Charles Pinot- Duclos, Vauvenargues, Sébastien-Roch-Nicolas Chamfort, Antoine Rivarol & Henry Gaillard de Champris (eds.) - 1940 - Paris,: J. de Gigord.
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  45. A Razão Animada.Álvaro Ribeiro - 1957 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 13 (4):433-434.
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    A relação ética e espiritualidade em Thomas Merton.Rodrigo Moreno Ribeiro Silva - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (39).
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  47. Estudos gerais.Álvaro Ribeiro - 1961 - [Lisboa]: Guimar£aes Editores.
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    Fernando Pessoa E o problema da metafísica.Nuno Ribeiro - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (132):433-450.
    RESUMO O presente artigo visa elucidar a tematização que Fernando Pessoa apresenta da questão da metafísica, à luz dos escritos filosóficos deixados por este autor no seu espólio. No espólio de Fernando Pessoa, conservado na Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, existe uma multiplicidade de projetos e fragmentos de cariz filosófico sobre metafísica dos quais resultaram uma pluralidade de escritos relativos ao sentido da noção de ser. Assim, através de uma análise dos diversos projetos pessoanos consagrados à questão da metafísica, pretendemos clarificar (...)
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    Karl Popper’s Conception of Metaphysics and its Problems.Cláudia Ribeiro - 2014 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 18 (2):209.
    In this paper I intend to thoroughly analyse Karl Popper’s relation to metaphysics. I start with his first writings, where he states the differences between science, pseudoscience and metaphysics. I then describe how his thoughts on the subject evolved to culminate in his reflection on metaphysical research programmes and the need for a revival of natural philosophy. A major concern is Popper’s famous testability criterion to set apart science from non-science. I point at the problems of the conception of metaphysics (...)
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  50. Leonardo Coimbra.Álvaro Ribeiro - 1945 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 1 (4):419-419.
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